According to a newsrelease that went out today, Vectrix is starting to catch on with more than just Leonardo DiCaprio:
Middletown, RI-based Vectrix Corporation just released its first year results with triple-digit growth. It has sold more than 1,000 of its two-wheel vehicles. It’s expanding its product line in 2009 and has the largest dealer network in the U.S. of any electric vehicle maker.
**The market is ready for electric vehicles, as most of Vectrix’s growth occurred in the second half of its financial year – April 1-September 30, 2009 – growth of 380% over the first half of the year.
**Vectrix has 160 dealer points worldwide, about half in the U.S., growing from just a handful earlier in the year.
**Vectrix is the first highway legal all-electric two-wheel vehicle. It travels 62 MPH, 0-50 in 6.8 seconds and is large enough to carry two people comfortably. It was designed for urban commuting and sales success shows people want them – it gets the equivalent of 357 MPG.
**High gas prices, eco consciousness and rise in the two-wheel industry (66% increase in scooter sales) have paved the road for Vectrix’s success.
Americans are ready for more fuel-efficient ways to get around. So I think that even an expensive scooter like the Vectrix will have its buyers. Eventually the price will come down and this type of scooter will be more widely available. An electric scooter could have 100% clean energy if its power were derived by wind energy, for example.
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